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We have two courses at DIS (DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia) that are in need of a part time faculty.

  • For the immunology course we are looking for someone to co-teach it.
  • For the “Medical Biotechnology and Drug Development” we need someone to fully teach the course (in total around 16 classes during a semester, and potentially travel with students (3 days in Denmark and/or 1 week in Edinburgh))

You can find information about the Immunology course here: http://disabroad.org/copenhagen/courses/immunology/

and the Medical Biotechnology and Drug Development here: http://disabroad.org/copenhagen/summer-courses/medical-biotechnology-and-drug-development/

Anyone who might be interested can contact me.

Susana LS Dietrich, PhD

Assistant Program Director

Science & Health Department

Dir. +45 33 76 54 42

Mob: +45 30 67 10 42


DIS · Study Abroad in Scandinavia


DIS Copenhagen

Vestergade 7 · DK 1456 Copenhagen K · Denmark