The Biological and Chemical Engineering Section (BCE) at Department of Engineering ( Aarhus University, invites applications for assistant professor (tenure track) or associate professor positions in Medical Biotechnology.
Working area
The main activity will be research within the area of biotechnology in the context of health-related applications and production of biological molecules. Interactions with departmental Technology programs and the AU interdisciplinary thematic centres(iFOOD, CBIO, WATEC, phyLife) are encouraged.
Focus areas are within biomolecules and cellular technologies. Hence, research activities will include one (or several) of the following topics:
- Protein biotechnology: biomolecules for advanced intervention/diagnostics/prophylaxis
- Precision medical research
- Vaccine technologies
- Evolutive and screening technologies
- Biomedical cell technologies: stem cell and cell factories
- Genome editing within higher cells and organisms: manipulation and modification of cellular pathways
- Microbiome research in health and disease
- Carbohydrate Biotechnology (tailoring and optimizing carbohydrates and glycans)
For more information, please refer to: